Maldives Showcases Tourism Offerings at East Mediterranean International Travel and Tourism Exhibition (EMITT) 2024

The Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC), also known as Visit Maldives, is currently participating in the East Mediterranean International Travel and Tourism Exhibition (EMITT) 2024, taking place from February 6th to 9th at the Tuyap Fair and Congress Centre in Istanbul, Türkiye.

A delegation of 19 representatives from 12 Maldivian tourism companies is attending the event to showcase a variety of properties, services, and unique products. EMITT, recognized as one of the largest travel trade shows in the East Mediterranean, serves as a significant platform for these representatives to spotlight the diverse experiences offered in the Maldives, often referred to as the Sunny Side of Life.

The exhibition draws major tourism stakeholders from around the world, providing a valuable opportunity for Maldivian partners to engage with agents and buyers, emphasizing the key attractions of the destination. This year’s event holds particular significance due to the growing number of tourists from Türkiye. In 2023, Türkiye ranked 24th as a source market for the Maldives, with 12,856 arrivals.

The recent official visit of Maldivian President, His Excellency Dr Mohamed Muizzu, to Türkiye has further strengthened bilateral ties. The visit laid the groundwork for a deeper partnership between the two nations, marked by the signing of several trade agreements aimed at fostering shared economic growth, including initiatives to improve flight connectivity to facilitate an increase in tourist arrivals from Türkiye.

MMPRC’s ongoing efforts to promote the Maldives in the Türkiye market will persist, including planned marketing activities such as collaborations with major tour operators, media press trips, and campaigns with leading publications. These initiatives are part of a broader strategy to uphold the Maldives’ position as a preferred holiday destination, leveraging the allure of its sunny islands to attract visitors from Türkiye and beyond.

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