Fathmath Leen Saud on the Importance of Student Activities, Volunteerism, and Leadership

In a recent interview on Alif News’ “Face to Face” segment, Fathmath Leen Saud, the President of Villa College Student Association, shared her experiences and insights on student activities, volunteerism, and leadership. With a passion for helping others and a strong drive to make a difference, Leen has been an instrumental figure in the student community at Villa College.

According to Leen, being involved in student activities can enhance one’s college experience, and she discussed the various events and programs organized by the student association, including sports tournaments, cultural festivals, and career development workshops. Leen emphasized the need for students to step out of their comfort zones and try new things, as it can lead to personal growth and development.

Leen also emphasized the importance of volunteerism in shaping one’s character and building a sense of community. She shared her own experiences volunteering for various organizations, such as the Maldives Blood Services and the Maldives Autism Association. Leen urged viewers to give back to society and make a positive impact on the world.

In addition to student activities and volunteerism, Leen discussed the qualities of effective leadership. She emphasized the need for leaders to be compassionate, approachable, and willing to listen to others. Leen shared her own experiences as the President of Villa College Student Association, discussing the challenges she faced and how she overcame them. She also offered advice to aspiring leaders, emphasizing the importance of communication and building strong relationships with team members.

Overall, Fathmath Leen Saud’s interview on Alif News’ “Face to Face” segment provides valuable insights into the importance of student activities, volunteerism, and leadership. Her passion for helping others and making a positive impact on society is an inspiration to students and leaders alike. Watch the full interview for further information and inspiration on how to become a better student, volunteer, and leader.

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