Velana International Airport Introduces Its First Boarding Bridge

Maldives Airports Company Ltd (MACL) has exciting news for travelers at Velana International Airport (VIA) – they’re bringing in aerobridges to make your journey smoother!

In the past, passengers in the Maldives had to either brave the outdoor walk from the terminal to the plane or catch a ride on airport shuttles to board. But now, with the installation of aerobridges at VIA’s new international passenger terminal, things are about to get a lot more convenient.

The aim is simple: to give passengers direct access to the aircraft from the terminal, just like what you’d find in many airports around the world. This change is expected to make boarding a breeze, offering a more streamlined process and added convenience for everyone.

This step forward is fantastic news for VIA, promising a better overall experience for travelers. With aerobridges in place, air travel in the Maldives is set to become more efficient and comfortable for all passengers.

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