STO Construction Solutions Initiates Annual Ramadan Bazaar Promotion, Offering Attractive Discounts and Prizes

STO Construction Solutions has officially launched its annual Ramadan Bazaar promotion, commencing today and extending until April 11th. The promotion features enticing discounts of up to 50 percent on a diverse range of products available at select locations, including the Makita Showroom, the STOC Construction Solutions Showroom on Ameenee Road, and the Nippon Showroom in L. Funadhoo.

During this promotional period, customers can avail themselves of significant discounts on various STO products. As a special incentive, customers will receive a digital coupon for every MVR 500 spent, granting them an opportunity to participate in a draw at the conclusion of Ramadan. The draw will determine the recipient of a substantial MVR 200,000 gift voucher from STO Construction Solutions.

In addition to the grand prize, six fortunate winners will have the chance to procure goods worth MVR 5,000 from STO Construction Solutions outlets. These goods include commonly used construction materials such as cement, stone, gravel, and the renowned Nippon paint.

It is noteworthy that Nippon Paint, recognized as Singapore’s leading paint brand, is exclusively distributed by STO in the Maldives, along with Makita.

The Ramadan Bazaar promotion by STO Construction Solutions not only provides customers with cost-effective options but also presents an exciting opportunity to win valuable prizes, enhancing the overall shopping experience during the holy month of Ramadan.

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