Tonight Marks the First Public Gathering of Ministers in ‘Ahaa’ Forum

Tonight marks the first session of “Ahaa,” a public forum organized by The President’s Office in collaboration with Public Service Media (PSM). The event, taking place at Sultan Park, will feature key government figures engaging with the public to discuss public policy and answer questions.

The ministers participating in tonight’s forum include Mohamed Saeed (Minister of Economic Development and Trade), Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed (Minister of Islamic Affairs), Dr. Aishath Shiham (Minister of Social and Family Development), Abdulla Rafiu (Minister of Sports, Fitness and Recreation), and Dr. Abdulla Muththalib (Minister of Construction and Infrastructure).

President Dr. Muizzu has committed to holding these public forums every two months, providing updates on the government’s initiatives and directly addressing questions from the public. Additionally, he plans to conduct a separate forum every three months to connect with the community and address their concerns.

The “Ahaa” forums are part of President Dr. Muizzu’s pledge to foster transparency and closer engagement between the government and the community. Livestreamed for public viewing, these open forums encourage active participation and contributions from the audience via social media. Tonight’s event is a significant step towards fulfilling these presidential commitments and promoting transparent governance.

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